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Running Deer and public sight-in

2024 Fall Newsletter

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2024 Officers needed

The time has come once again to step forward and make a difference in our organization! We are now accepting nominations for both officer and director positions. If you’re driven by a passion to lead and are interested in running for one of these roles, please join us at the September meeting on the 2nd Tuesday. There, you will have the opportunity to present your candidacy to the board for nomination. Your contribution could be the change we need, so don’t hesitate to get involved!

York Riflemen gun rights form letter

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Fall 2023 Newsletter

Click to access Fall-2023.pdf

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Election of 2023 Officers

The annual election of officers for 2023 took place at the monthly meeting on October 11th, 2022. Members are encouraged to attend and vote.

Elected for the 2023:

  • President: T. Richard Ide
  • Vice President: Greg Livingston
  • Treasurer: Cheryl Gerhart
  • Recording Secretary: Jeffrey Walters
  • Membership Secretary: Jim Jensen
  • Directors: Jeremy Bogdany and Devin Pentz

As a reminder, this is a good opportunity to pay your membership dues in person and pick up your membership card.

2023-2024 Junior Air Rifle Program

Are you interested in joining the competitive sport of air rifle? York Riflemen is sponsoring its own Sporter Class Junior Air Rifle Program.

Young shooters aged 10-18 will learn a variety of marksmanship skills with an emphasis on safe gun handling.

Air rifle builds confidence, self discipline, and friendly competition.

Junior Air Rifle Team will meet Monday nights 6:30-9 PM at the indoor range at the York Rifle Range

1190 Range Rd.
York, PA, 17406

All equipment and instruction is provided FREE OF CHARGE by York Riflemen. The program is open to non-members and members of the York Riflemen.

The Program is supported, in part, by your membership dues, personal donations, and a generous grant from the NRA Foundation.

First Meeting of the Junior Air Rifle Program for the 2019-2020 season will be on October 14, 2019, and will continue through the end of March 2020.

For more information contact:

Coach Jeff Walters

Inclement weather policy

The Junior Air Rifle program will follow the Eastern School District cancellation schedule in the case of inclement weather.

Fall 2018 Newsletter

Fall 2018

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Election of 2019 Officers

The annual election of officers for 2019 will take place at the monthly meeting on October 9th, 2018. Members are encouraged to attend and vote.

As a reminder, this is a good opportunity to pay your membership dues for 2019 in person.

2018-19 Junior Air Rifle Program

Are you interested in joining the competitive sport of air rifle? York Riflemen is sponsoring its own Sporter Class Junior Air Rifle Program.

Young shooters aged 10-18 will learn a variety of marksmanship skills with an emphasis on safe gun handling.

Air rifle builds confidence, self discipline, and friendly competition.

Junior Air Rifle Team will meet Monday nights 6:30-9 PM at the indoor range at the York Rifle Range

1190 Range Rd.
York, PA, 17406

All equipment and instruction is provided FREE OF CHARGE by York Riflemen. The program is open to non-members and members of the York Riflemen.

The Program is supported, in part, by your membership dues, personal donations, and a generous grant from the NRA Foundation.

First Meeting of the Junior Air Rifle Program for the 2018-19 season will be on October 1, 2018, and will continue through the end of May 2019.

For more information contact:

Coach Jeff Walters

Inclement weather policy

The Junior Air Rifle program will follow the Eastern School District cancellation schedule in the case of inclement weather.
